UI Redesign - 2023
What is Homebase?
Homebase is an app meant for outdoor enthusiast to be used as a tool when out hiking and camping. Homebase will promote safety and offline features that ensure safety within outdoor communities.
Why Homebase?
Both hiking and camping offer different experiences in nature, but they also come with potential dangers that require knowledge, skill, and preparation to navigate. Homebase is here to provide the tools to guide outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy nature to its fullest potential while prioritizing safety.
“Of the 280 backpackers who responded achieved their goal. The most important reasons for ending a hike prematurely were injury, time limitation, and psychosocial reasons.” (Boulware, D. R., Forgey, W. W., & Martin, W. J., 2nd (2003). Medical risks of wilderness hiking. The American journal of medicine)
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Color Pallet
Lo fi Wireframing
Mid fi Wireframing